Find below some latest information for your attention:
1. BCA AGM – South Africa
We have already started the Committees meetings in preparation for the AGM in South Africa. Find attached the complete schedule including the next online committees meeting, council meetings and the face to face meetings in South Africa. We will follow up with more details on the Council Meetings in the coming days.
For your tickets, Lyvonia will be sending it to you in the coming days.
2. AWIBA 2021 – Winner
The Gender Equity Commission opted for Mrs. Lynn du Preez (Namibia) to receive the African Women in Badminton Award 2021. Mrs. du Preez has been elected as President of the National Federation in Namibia in 2021 and she is almost singlehandedly running the federation there after the resignation of the last President. Badminton is only practiced in Orangemund, a remote and small mining town where Lynn lives – if not for her, the federation would have been inactive. For the past 15 years, she has dedicated her life to badminton and coached hundreds of young children including the African Champion Johanita Scholtz, who started badminton with her and later on went to play for South Africa.
Since she is a delegate coming for the AGM, we will make the official announcement of the AWIBA winner during the AGM. Therefore, appreciate to not share this information for the time being.