In line with BCA strategic plan and development programme, three activities were organized in Burkina Faso. They included: Shuttle Time Tutors Course from 3rd to 5th of April 2021, Shuttle Time Teachers Course from 6th to 7th of April 2021; and Training Camp from 8th to 10th of April 2021. The aim of these activities was to provide the necessary information and knowledge, and to train the tutors and teachers for the development of Shuttle Time Programme in Burkina Faso.
Since its inception in 2016, the Burkinabe Badminton Federation under the leadership of its first President Mr. Zongo Pamousa, there has been a steady rise of the level of badminton in Burkina Faso; and high standards of development courses have been offered to coaches, tutors and players to support the growth of the sport in the country..
One such development programme is the Shuttle Time Programme launched in 2018 after a visit from the Secretary General of the BCA Mr Sahir Edoo. During his visit he met with sports authorities of various levels including the Minister of Sports and Leisure, and the President of the National Olympic and Sports Committee. The authorities promised to support the development of badminton and a first training of Shuttle Time teachers was conducted by two Shuttle Time Tutors of the BCA, namely Bernadin BOKPE and N’da Richard Kouagou. Forty Shuttle Time teachers were trained to roll out the practice of badminton all over the country. The BCA also supported the growth of the programme in Burkina Faso by donating 30 kits (600 rackets, shuttlecocks and nets) and a stringing machine to the federation in 2020.
The second phase of the project was conducted on the 3rd to 5th of April 2021 involved training Shuttle Time tutors to make the FBBAD autonomous and thus contribute to the sustainability of the Shuttle Time programme. Fifteen tutors were trained, 9 of whom obtained the tutors’ certificate at the end of the evaluation after successfully meeting the standards. In addition to the forty teachers trained in 2018, twenty new teachers were trained from 6th to 7th April to assist in expanding the Shuttle Time Program in other regions of the country. Shuttle Time is currently active in seven regions in Burkina Faso.

“As promised in 2018, the sports authorities are supporting the development of badminton in Burkina Faso” said Mr. Mr. Bernadin Bokpe during his meeting with the Director of High Level Sport and his colleague Director General of Sports to thank them for their support. The two directors promised to support the FBBAD in its development process of badminton in Burkina Faso.

The third activity was the training camp for players which saw the participation of more than 40 players from different categories such as U12, U13, U15, U17, U19 and seniors. All these players learned about the technical, tactical, physical and psychological aspects of badminton during the camp. The players, who had already participated in various competitions, were trained on technical and tactical development.
“As a National Shuttle Time Coordinator, I can say that the training went very well and was a great success. We benefited from the expertise of a trainer who is well versed in badminton issues, particularly Shuttle Time. He used all his experience to give the tutors, teachers and Burkinabè badminton players an incredible knowledge. His simple and explicit pedagogical approach allowed everyone to become aware of their mistakes and their possibilities for improvement and progress. Bravo for that. Thus, tutors, teachers, and players, did their best to overcome their challenges. The other fact that also caught my attention was the great effort of the expert to have generated the certificates at the end of the training. This gave a special glow to the closing ceremony. The Shuttle Time national coordination is committed to making the most of this opportunity.’’ Said Mr. Abou Traore, National Shuttle Coordinator.
Different participants appraised the game with most giving very positive feedback, indicating the success of the courses. They did not shy away from providing constructive criticism as well. Below are some of the appraisals:
SAWADOGO Zakaria, Shuttle Time Teacher:
“On the 6th and 7th of April 2021, I had the chance to participate in a Badminton training session organized by the BWF in Ouagadougou; a high-level training session led by a BWF expert. The expert showed us the different elements to be taught in Shuttle time in our different schools namely the initiation of the students in Badminton, the different strokes, the techniques of attack and defence, the types of clearance… It was training where the ambiance was of high level. In two days of training, we -teachers- left with a maximum of Badminton luggage. The expert gave us multiple bits of advice concerning this Sport and exhorts us to teach the children what we learned during this important training. I think that the FBBAD will be counting on us to promote Badminton in schools. Congratulations to the FBBAD, congratulations to our great BWF Expert, and thanks to the different tutors for all this theoretical and practical knowledge”
Abraham Zoma, Director of High Performance Sports in the Ministry of Sports and Recreation:
‘’ We are delighted that these trainings are given to the Federation Burkinabè de Badminton. In a short time we have seen what the federation has already done for the development of badminton in Burkina Faso. I would therefore like to reassure them that the Ministry of Sports will always be there to support and accompany them in the development of this discipline in Burkina Faso. ‘’

Ouédraogo Boukaré, President of Fédération Burkinabè de Badminton :
‘’ All three activities (tutor training, teacher training and the eighthree-day training camp) were a success for badminton in the country. The expert transmitted his knowledge in an active pedagogical approach that always starts from the learner. These trainings will enable us to establish a permanent badminton base throughout the country. This leads us to consider in the near future the organisation of a national school championship. We hope that such training will be repeated. Thank you to the BCA and its staff, thanks to the expert Bernadin Bokpè, long live badminton. ‘’