BCA Memos to show on the Memos page
We are pleased to announce that the 2022 edition of the All Africa Senior Championships will be held from 14 to 20 February 2022 in Kampala, Uganda. The championships will be divided as follows: 1) All Africa Men’s & Women Team Championships 2022 (African qualification for the TotalEngergies BWF Thomas & Uber Cup 2022) – 14 to 17…
1) All Africa Senior Championships 2021 – Uganda Thank you for those who have entered for the All Africa Mixed Team Championships 2021. Please note that the deadline to enter your players for the individual championships is on Tuesday 28 September 2021 at 11.59 pm KL time. Click here to complete your entries. No late entries will be accepted. …
The BCA will be organizing a webinar for your National Line Judges on Tuesday 12th and Thursday 14th October 2021 at 17hrs (Mauritius Time GMT + 4) on Zoom. Line Judges are an integral part of any badminton tournament, from grassroot to elite tournaments, and it is important for our Line Judges in Africa to be trained, knowledgeable about the laws…
Find below the latest information on the BCA: 1) Cameroon International 2021 – Cancelled We regret to inform you that Cameroon International 2021 (11 – 14 November) has been cancelled. The Badminton Federation of Cameroon had to cancel the event due to COVID-19 related reasons. 2) All Africa Senior Championships 2021 – 21 to 28…
Please note that the deadline to enter your players for the Benin International 2021 (18-21 August) is tomorrow Tuesday 20 July 2021 at 11:59 pm (Malaysian Time GMT + 8). If you want to enter players to the Benin International, kindly log in here to do your entries.
We would like to inform you that that the All Africa Senior Championships 2021 will now be held from 21 to 28 October 2021 in Kampala, Uganda. The tournament had to be moved due to the BWF decision to schedule the TotalEnergies Sudirman Cup Finals on the same dates as our championships. You can view the championships on…
1) Benin International 2021 – Prospectus Find the official invitation of the Benin International 2021. If you have any questions, please get back to us. Also note that the deadline to enter your players online is on: Tuesday 20 July 2021. Use this link for online entry 2) All Africa U15 and U19 Championships…
1) All Africa U15 and U19 Championships in Benin – 22 Aug to 1 Sep 2021 Find attached the official prospectus of the All Africa U15 Championships (22 to 26 Aug) and the All Africa U19 Championships (26 Aug to 1 Sep). Both tournaments will be held in Cotonou Benin and will include a Mixed…
1) BCA Virtual AGM 2021 Thank you to all members who have attended the virtual AGM of the BCA held yesterday Saturday 19 June 2021. The meeting went on smoothly and with success, thanks to your support and collaboration. Following the conclusion of the BCA Council Elections, find attached Press Release. The voting reports, recording…
Find below latest information on the BCA AGM 2021 (19 June 2021) : 1) Delegate Nomination Form Thanks to all the members who have already sent in their Delegate Nomination Form. The following have NOT yet submitted the form: Burundi, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Gambia, Sudan and Tunisia. We would appreciate if you can submit your form…